Parked Cars with the ParkMobile logo

ParkMobile Arrives at LeFrak City

LeFrak City is excited to announce ParkMobile is coming soon!


ParkMobile introduces a smarter way to park! Effective Monday, October 5th, 2020, LeFrak City will be using ParkMobile for its metered parking. Skip the meter and pay with your phone by downloading the free app, available in both the App Store and Google Play. The free ParkMobile App will be used to park in all of the formerly metered spots.


Each parking Section (listed below) has a Max 2-Hour Parking limit, with the first 30 minutes free after you’ve started your session. To park in any of the below Sections, follow these easy instructions:


  1. Download the ParkMobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Set up your Profile and enter your Payment information.
  3. Locate the available parking spot.
  4. Start your Session so you can claim the first 30 minutes for free, making sure to list which Zone/Section you’ve parked in (listed below and on signage).
  5. Leave your car parked for up to 2 hours, and you will be charged $0.50 for each 15 minutes (after the first 30-minutes, which are free).
  6. When you are ready to leave your spot, end your Session.


Section Locations, Hours & Pricing:


Junction Lot

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

7AM-Midnight. No Parking Midnight-7AM

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.


Ring Road Section 1 (between London and Rome buildings)

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

24 hours/day

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.


Ring Road Section 2 (between Canada and United States buildings)

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

24 hours/day

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.


Ring Road Section 3 (between Columbia and Argentina buildings)

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

24 hours/day

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.


Ring Road Section 4 (between Sydney and Wellington buildings)

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

24 hours/day

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.


Ring Road Section 5 (between Kyoto and Mandalay buildings)

Max 2-Hour Parking

$0.50 every 15 minutes (first 30 minutes free)*

24 hours/day

*You must have an active session to get the first 30 minutes free.

Please note that cars parked without an active ParkMobile Session will be booted and/or towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.



Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Can I use ParkMobile if I don’t have a smartphone?

A: Yes! If you do not have a smartphone or internet-enabled device, you can still use ParkMobile through our automated phone system. The number you can call to pay for your parking is located on the ParkMobile signs or meter stickers in your parking area. The toll-free number varies by geographical location so it is important that you call the correct number for your area.


In order to use our service, you’ll need to complete a one-time registration at or by calling the toll-free number for your area before starting your first parking session. We suggest you register in advance, so that your first parking session will be a quick and easy transaction.


Q: What if I’m having trouble signing in?

A: Check to see if you have entered your mobile number or email address and password correctly. If you forgot your username or password, you can generate a request from either the mobile app or your Personal Pages to identify your username and/or reset your password.


Q: Who do I contact with questions about my parking charges?

A: If you don't understand your parking history or have specific questions about your ParkMobile parking charges, submit a support request with your mobile phone number included, or email us at


Q: How do I know my Parking Session has started?

A: When using the app, you will know your parking session has successfully started once you see the countdown timer on the Active Sessions screen. On the mobile website and Personal Pages, you will see "Your Session is Active" in the details. In the automated phone system, you will hear "Your Session has Started" along with details about the session.


For a list of more ParkMobile FAQs and help, visit


As we transition to ParkMobile, you may notice a number of changes to the meters and signage in the areas listed above. To best prepare for the official launch date of October 5th, 2020, we strongly encourage everyone to download the ParkMobile app and complete the registration process. We look forward to continuing to improve and innovate how we serve our residents!