Overview shot of basketball court in LeFrak City Playground Corona, Queens

Celebrating Warmer Weather & The Outdoors at LeFrak City


On Thursday, May 9th, LeFrak City held their first annual go Green event, a day dedicated to celebrating the outdoors. Residents could choose to participate in a number of activities, such as basketball, mini golf, a science-focused craft, and a bird walk. With a sizeable turnout, the event was a great way for community members to come together. Miniature Golf Range at the East Courtyard LeFrak City Apartments Corona, Queens

Go Green was held in the East Courtyard. Residents rotated to different stations offering a mix of sports and activities. Equipment for mini golf, basketball, and soccer was provided. Attendee Jarvis M. has been living at LeFrak City for 5 years. When asked what his favorite activity was, he said "Miniature golf, because that's what my grandson loves. He got a hole-in-one on his first shot!"

Next to the soccer fields was the craft station. This year's craft was a "Seed Necklace" centered around science. Residents received a cotton ball, a seed, and a small ziploc bag on a string. With the help of the events staff, the seed was placed in the cotton ball, a spritz of water was added, and then the cotton ball was placed in the small ziploc bag. Where's the science? The warmth from the wearer's body helped start the germination of the seed and propelled the water within the bag! When residents got back to their apartments, they could transfer the seed to pot, or continue to wear until the seed sprouted. "Nearly all the materials are biodegradable," shared event coordinator Michelle. Residents who participated also got to take home a 100% recycled content bookmardk which showed native flower, shrubs, and trees currently planted in LeFrak City's courtyards on one side, and the birds who rely on the plantings on the other side. 

Children with binoculars at the LeFrak City gardensA little ways from the Seed Necklace was the NYC Audubon table. They supplied binoculars led a bird walk through the LeFrak City gardens to point out native birds and discuss the science of flight! NYC Audubon representatives also brought stuffed birds with them so residents could learn about and see their feathers, beaks, and talons up close. One species, the American Woodcock, was particularly fascinating to the children. "Kids are really enthusiastic, instantly drawn to the birds. The kids learn and understand so quickly!" said Molly A., one of the table's educators. 

Rochelle S., a local police officer who was present at the event, also commented on the young attendees. "Events like these make the kids happy that something different is happening. They look forward to it!"

But the event wasn't just for the kids. Adult residents, parents, and grandparents were celebrating and enjoying the activities as well. "I look forward to all the events." shared resident Malikah K. "We are a festive community!"


For more information on upcomign events and opportunities to celebrate, visit our event page at lefrakcity.com/events.